Vale of Clwyd Liberal Democrats
Views expressed on this website are those of the individuals and may not reflect the views of the party.
September 22, 2009
September 15, 2009
Cable: "We need to debate when, how and where the cuts will come."

Liberal Democrat Shadow Chancellor Vince Cable has today launched proposals for tackling the fiscal crisis, which involves cutting public spending, and urged politcians to be "upfront" with people about where the cuts will fall.
- An end to bonuses for the civil service, which would save a £200m a year
- A radical review of public sector pensions, which would lead to higher employee contributions
- Scrapping many of the government's white elephant IT schemes, including ID cards, the NHS IT scheme, Contactpoint, and a proposed 'super database' which altogether equates to £11.45bn of savings over 10 years
“The priority is to move the economy out of recession but there is also a need to restore fiscal credibility and to allow Government to focus its resources where are they are most needed.
“We need to debate when, how and where the cuts will come.
“Undoubtedly more are required to meet the exacting fiscal disciplines but asking the British public for their vote at the next election means being upfront from the outset about what Government should and should not be spending its money on."
September 14, 2009
An Alternative Vision for Wales and Britain
The Liberal Democrats have long campaigned for greater transparency and accountability from our elected representatives, have long been committed champions for locally driven solutions and ideas to tackle pressing needs in our local communities and have long espoused the dangers of foreign misadventures and unscrupulous bankers.
The choice for voters in the forthcoming British General Election should not be curtailed to that of the Labour and Conservative parties. Many voters are tired of the old and quite frankly out dated visions of both these parties.
It is my belief that only the Liberal Democrat party can offer voters in North Wales the representation that they deserve, from offering high caliber locally based candidates to a vision of the type of community we all wish to live in, here in North Wales and beyond.
Rhodri Jones,
Chair, Vale of Clwyd Liberal Democrats
September 13, 2009
Liberal Democrat Education Forum for Denbighshire
A new education forum for Denbighshire by the Welsh Liberal Democrats has been formed to campaign on all matters educational, pertaining to Denbighshire. The group will meet bi-monthly in Denbighshire and all Liberal Democrat members from the Vale of Clwyd, Clwyd South and Clwyd West constituencies are most welcome to attend and share their thoughts about education in Denbighshire today. Petula Field from Rhyl is the group's spokesperson. If you would like to attend the next meeting of the group or get involved in future campaigns, please e-mail the group's Convenor, Penny Maudsley for more information.
Rhodri Jones,
Chair, Vale of Clwyd Liberal Democrats
Forwm Addysg Y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol ar gyfer Sir Ddinbych
Y mae forwm addysg newydd ar gyfer Sir Ddinbych wedi ei ffurfio gan y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru ar gyfer ymyrchu drost holl materion addysgol yn Sir Ddinbych. Mi fydd y forwm yn cyfarfod bob yn ail mis yn Sir Ddinbych ac y mae croeso mawr i aelodau y blaid o ardaloedd De Clwyd, Gorllewin Clwyd a Dyffryn Clwyd mynychu ac i rannu syniadau am addysg yn Sir Ddinbych. Petula Field fydd llefarydd y grwp newydd. Os hoffwch fynychu y cyfarfod nesaf y forwm ac i ymgyrchu gyda'r grwp, mae'n bosibl ichi e-bostio Cynllunydd y grwp, Penny Maudsley am fwy o wybodaeth.
Rhodri Jones,
Cadeirydd, Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Dyffryn Clwyd
June 23, 2009
Nick Clegg: Lib Dems can overtake Labour at next election

Chris Ruane's Expenses In Full (Well, Almost)

June 16, 2009
Resignation of Mark Young as Liberal Democrat PPC for the Vale of Clwyd

After much thought, Mark Young has recently decided to stand down as our Parliamentary Candidate in the Vale of Clwyd. Mark has decided that he wishes to devote more time with his family and with his business.
Mark without doubt, has been a stalwart of the local association for a number of years and has worked tirelessly and with success for the party in the Vale of Clwyd. I am sure that I speak on behalf of all our members in the Vale and wish Mark every success and best wishes for the future. Bob hwyl Mark!
Rhodri Jones
Chair, Vale of Clwyd Liberal Democrats
June 07, 2009
EU Election Results - Vale of Clwyd
June 02, 2009
AGM 2009 Announcement
European Elections 2009: Fighting Your Corner in Brussels
The European elections are fast approaching with polling day on Thursday, June 4th. The Welsh Liberal Democrat have chosen an excellent lead candidate for the forthcoming elections. Alan Butt Philip is a lecturer in European politics and has previously been a special adviser for both the
The European Union should matter to us all. The European Parliament bears its influence on such diverse matters as the environment, the workplace and cross border organized crime. The European Parliament has proven itself over the years to be a progressive legislature that is profoundly concerned with the rights of the ordinary citizen. In short, these elections matter a great deal.
The endless drip of scandalous revelations relating to MP's expenses has been, to say the least, disappointing. We should clearly expect much better from some of our honourable representatives at
I know that Alan cares deeply for
Those views expressed above are solely those of Rhodri Jones.