February 21, 2009

Colum on Recycling in Rhyl

Colum's latest letter, published in The Journal 18th Feb (unedited version):

I write regarding the proposed construction of a waste recycling centre off Marsh Road in Rhyl.

Is this the same Recycling Centre that was originally planned for Rhuddlan until the residents of that town objected and protested so loudly?

If so, why should we, the people of Rhyl, have to have it in our area? For too long Rhyl has been Denbighshire's dumping ground for all kinds of rejects - is this the latest thing to be dumped on us? Do Denbighshire think that linking this with plans for a BMX track and other amenities will make the people of Rhyl think they are getting something of benefit?

By all means give us the facilities that we desperately need but put your Recycling Centre somewhere else! Imagine the huge increase in traffic in the area which is already suffering dangerously high levels of traffic. Huge trucks using this small road, surrounded as it is by schools and now a proposed leisure facility, is an accident waiting to happen. BMX bikes and the children riding them are not conducive to the huge amount of extra traffic that will be imposed on the area.

Whilst recycling is an environmentally friendly option this does not override the damage which will occur to the existing environment. What about the rabbits and other wildlife who inhabit this land?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:56 pm

    It's the sort of unresearched bile like this that sets the Liberals out on a class of their own and is why I will never vote for you... what is the alternative find a Greenfield site out of town and blight the countryside.. the Council should be congratulated for re-utilising a abandoned toxic landfill site complete the capping, putting the roads right and making sporting facilities that really will make a difference for the kind of people in Rhyl whether young bmx riders or those who can now look to enjoy a jog or cycle on a traffic free sports circuit.. all at no cost unlike the kind of white elephant buildings that politicians like you love to dump on us to burden with more taxes... I wont be voting for you if this is the kind of tripe you publish in order to attract the last three voters in rhyl who dont vote for the other parties..
